About the author

Kathleen Walters

Kathleen is a mum to her beautiful daughter Amelia and her stepson Blaire. Kathleen works full-time, runs a health business and still is studying night school to further her studies. Kathleen is a believer that anything is possible and is showing her kids to follow their dreams. Kathleen is ready to go for her goals in life and ready to help any mum to do the same.


How To Night Time Toilet Train?

By Kathleen Walters / August 5, 2016

So once your child knows day time toilet training, night time training is easy right? For my daughter Amelia aged 3 we have had fully taken away nappies and pull ups and went head into day and night training at the same time because when we asked her why she wasn’t using the toilet she […]


How To Make Toilet Training A Fun Activity?

By Kathleen Walters / August 5, 2016

At one stage in our children’s life we need to introduce the toilet to our kids, some may love or hate it. Every child is different on when they begin going to the toilet by themselves or just going in general. Also all parents may toilet train differently some may start on the potty as […]


How Supermoms Do It All?

By Kathleen Walters / August 4, 2016

As a Mum to my beautiful 3 year old daughter Amelia and Step Mum to my handsome 4 year old stepson Blaire, juggling full time work, running a Business and having family life sometimes can be tricky but it is all worth it. Some people ask how do you do it? As like other mums out […]