I was curious how to get kids to eat vegetables for a long time because I have found it to be a great challenge. Especially my daughter was very fussy about veggies. She only ate carrots and frozen green peas, green leafy vegetables were a big NO.
Green Smoothie For Kids
We all know the importance of developing healthy eating habits early and get our kids to consume plenty fruits and vegetables. But the challenge remains: how to get kids to eat vegetables? When I have started to work on my 30 days green smoothie challenge, I had a realization. After all this is the solution for us, adults to increase our fresh vegetable intake and for our kids too. Because the smoothies are so tasty, that my kids like them too. Making smoothies is an excellent and easy way to incorporate several fruits and vegetables into the kids diet. The best thing about a green smoothie is that all the natural goodness of the ingredients stay intact as no cooking required. If you ever wondered how to get kids to eat vegetables, this is the answer.
Get Them Involved In The Creation
My kids like to get involved in making the smoothie too. They see what goes into the smoothie and learn what are the good stuff. My kids refuse to eat fresh spinach on its own but have no objection about putting spinach into the smoothie, for it’s part of the recipe. We have tried other fruits and vegetables as well to create different smoothies and after a while my kids become more and more open to try out new variations. Therefore I have made some smoothies with carrots, celery, kale.
They learn what is healthy
Making the smoothie together is a great learning opportunity for them. Make no mistake, your kids are watching. Even when we are not making a smoothie but they become hungry for an apple or banana, they are asking: “Mummy, apple is healthy isn’t it?”
Spinach, Frozen Berries And Banana Smoothie
Now, if you looking for a delicious green smoothie recipe for kids, your search is over. Here is my kid’s favorite green smoothie – or as we call it: red smoothie – recipe. It’s very tasty and because it is not green, this is a good smoothie to start introducing spinach into the kids diet.
11/2 cup spinach (or kale)
11/2 cup frozen mixed berries
1 small banana
1 cup of water
Put all ingredients in the blender and blitz it for 45 seconds.
All done. I don’t know of an easier green smoothie recipe for kids.
Join our 30 day green smoothie challenge and receive great smoothie ideas in pdf. You will discover that you can use many green leafy vegetables interchangeably and make as many smoothie variations as many fruits and vegetables you can put your hands on. I encourage you to experiment on your own as well. Once you are in your smoothie creative zone, great smoothie ideas will come from you.
Health Benefits
You would be amazed to learn how many different essential minerals, vitamins and amino acids are in a spinach or kale and berry smoothie. These are the building blocks to a healthy body and the best source to get them from are these fruits and vegetables.