Vaccination – The Other Side Of The Coin
Vaccination is a very controversial topic in these days. The funny thing is that pro-vaccination moms and
anti-vaccination moms have one thing in common: they want the best for their children.
In my opinion, the only way to make an informed decision weather or not vaccinate one’s child
is to be willing to listen not only what our government and Big Pharma wants us to know about the safety and
effectiveness of vaccination, but listen to those doctors and healthcare professionals, who has insight and
revealing information that we can’t normally access ourselves.
It is especially important, because we and our kids are individuals and the “one size fits all” solutions can negatively
effect our health. Once we collected enough data from both sides, we can decide what is the greater good and
the least harm, what is true and what is the best solution to our family.
What are your thoughts about this? Please feel free to comment.