I truly feel for every woman who undergone serious treatments due to breast cancer or had an operation due to the likelihood of it. I hate to loose a dear friend or a family member but I see the cancer foundation as an ineffective organisation. They are asking for money but does not educate woman about breast cancer causes and prevention.
As I was driving my kids home the other day an ad came on the radio. “Colour or shave your head to show your support for fighting cancer!”
How will my bold or pink or purple head do anything for any cancer patient?!
All these cancer awareness campaigns only push one message: “no cure for cancer”.
It is false.
There is cure
The cure is within us and I will explain it later.
But first, let me share something you should be aware of, but the awareness campaigns don’t cover.
If only one person reads this post and discovers the truth and what can be done about it, I have done more, than most cancer foundation.
I will be very clear. If you wholeheartedly believe the mantra that cancer is genetic and nothing can be done about it, this post is not for you.
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This post is for those who want to know the truth about breast cancer causes and prevention.
Let’s start with a simple correlation.
When did the number of people becoming ill with cancer started to raise?
Wasn’t 500 years ago, was it? 200 years ago or less?
It is really a modern disease, in a modern, chemical society.
First of all, not many institutions talking about it but in today’s world we are surrounded with toxic substances and it is almost impossible to avoid these. What is worse, that these toxins pile up in our body and slowly weaken us and damage our healthy cells.
Estrogen mimickers
I have read in Dr. Al Sears’s Doctor’s House Call newsletter the following:
“Hormone-disrupting chemicals are among the most toxic substances in the world today. And they’ve permeated almost everything you eat, drink and even touch.
Some chemicals, both natural and man-made, can interfere with our hormonal system.
I’m talking about “estrogen mimickers” like Parabens and Bisphenol A (BPA) that are present in the coatings of food and drinks cans, water bottles, baby bottles, dental fillings and sealants, eyeglass lenses, DVDs and CDs, household electronic and sports equipment, receipts and even garden hoses.
Why are these bad for you?
Mainstream medicine ignores the impact of these dangerous, gender-bending “xenoestrogens.” Yet they are responsible for a vast array of diseases disorders — including:
- Heart disease in men and women
- Type 2 diabetes
- Brain fog and memory loss, as a result of a loss of connection between
- Male impotence
- Breast cancer”
Make the switch
I’ve stopped using parabens containing shampoos and body-wash in my household over 5 years ago. It is hard to eliminate all those items that are potential dangers, but these are the preventative measures we must do:
“I’m sure you know by now to avoid plastic bottles. They’re made with BPA. And you may already know the basics of avoiding BPA:
- Look at recycling labels on the bottom of plastic items and avoid items labeled No. 3 and No. 7;
- Avoid plastics for cooking and storing. Better to use glass and stainless steel;
- Buy unwrapped organic fruits and vegetables;
- Use your own fabric or hemp grocery bags.”
Why Detoxify?
We are already filled with chemicals and it is important to detoxify ourselves.
“These fake estrogens are not biodegradable, so they are stored in fat cells of the breast tissue. There are around 160 of these estrogen mimics that are involved in breast cancer development. They are in food, personal hygiene products, household cleaning products, and the environment.” source: Dr. Al Sears
How to help Detoxification
Whether your estrogen levels are high or just want to get rid of those estrogen mimicking compounds, the following dietary supplements are advised by Dr. Al Sears:
- Alpha-lipoic acid: It stops estrogen damage in cells and protects reproductive organs from excess estrogen. Start with 250 mg a day. But you can take up to 600 mg a day.
- DIM (Diindolylmethane): You can get this natural estrogen cleanser from cruciferous vegetables, like kale and broccoli. But you can’t eat enough to cleanse your body well enough. So start a 100 mg capsule a day. Two capsules provide as much DIM as a pound of vegetables.
- Quercetin: This plant flavonoid can directly stop estrogen from forming cancer cells. To detox your body of estrogen, take one 500 mg capsule twice a day.
- Eugenol: This is an estrogen-lowering compound that helps keep your body from absorbing estrogens, including fake estrogens like BPA. You can get this extract into your diet with herbs and spices, such as cinnamon, dill and Holy basil. A good way to get eugenol through supplementation is by using clove oil. Make sure you use 100% pure clove oil. Dilute just a tiny bit in almond or olive oil. They will help you absorb it better.”
But there is more we can do!
Recently I have heard about a new health-science and anti-aging breakthrough.
It confirms that our body is built to beat cancer and disease in general. Every illness start with a damaged cell. When the damaged cell hasn’t been detected by the body and starts to divide into 2 than into 4 damaged cells etc. we have an organ or a part of the body in a diseased state. We notice it in the form of a symptom, after few months or years.
Finally I got the last piece of the puzzle of breast cancer causes and prevention.
What convinced me
Now I’m sure that you would want to do your own research about this. You can learn a lot about the science and the resulting product here. This knowledge is the key to self healing and it is the key to the maintenance of our health. Maybe you are going to be skeptical first. I know, I was. What convinced me is talking to fellow Australian. His doctors already gave up on him when he heard about the science and started to take the product. Then everything has changed in his life. Today he is healthy and on a mission to tell the world about this incredible health-science breakthrough.
Importance of Prevention
The perception that “if we can’t see it, and can’t feel it, it does not exist” – can be detrimental when applying it to illness and health. We can’t just go on doing nothing to preserve our health if we want to live a healthy life. In the modern world it takes a constant effort from our part, to take the healthy choice and say no to popular – but unhealthy treats.
It is not enough to pay a visit to the Doctor when something hurts. Prevention is paramount. If you want a long, healthy, full of energy life, do yourself a favor and look into this science.